Ronan Brouazin
Masters student
Research Themes
The aim of my project during my internship at the National Museum of Natural History (CSIC) is to determine if risk-taking behaviour has an effect on reproductive success in female spotless starlings Sturnus unicolor. We want to understand if the differences observed in female reproductive success could be explained, to some extent, by a personality trait.
I have always been interested and fascinated about studying and understanding wildlife. Also, this internship reinforces me in the idea that I want to work in the field of behavioural ecology. In the future I would like to work in the field of conservation through the study of behaviour.
Curriculum Vitae
I obtained my University Technical Diploma in Environmental Sciences (ES) at the Bioengineering Department in 2017 at the University of Brest, France. To finish this training I did an internship of 3 months under the supervision of Pr. Ann Huysseune in the Research Group of Evolutionary Developmental Biology of the Biology Department at Ghent University, Belgium. I was doing experiments to test the hypothesis (evo-devo) that the pharyngeal pouches in teleost fish develop very similar to the formation of the mouth in sea urchins. Then I obtained my bachelor degree in Biology of Organisms and Populations – Environment in 2018 at the University of Brest, France. I am currently doing a Master’s degree in EFCE (“Écologie Fonctionnelle, Comportementale et Evolutive” meaning Ecosystem, Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology), specialization within the Master Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution at the University of Rennes 1, France. Through this master I acquired a solid experience on field studies, and I had the opportunity to work within a wonderful team from the National Museum of Natural History (CSIC) and the beautiful spotless starlings (Sturnus unicolor).