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Jaime Muriel got his Doctorate!

Last 15th January was a great Day for the Behavioral Ecology and Endocrinology Lab, as Jaime Muriel defended his PhD Thesis entitled “Yolk androgens as modulators of life-history trade-offs in the spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor)”, receiving the highest qualification.Congrats to the new Doctor… and we look forward to reading the still unpublished data of the thesis in ready-to-send manuscripts soon!

It was a long way till arriving here: thousands of adult and nestlings caught, measured and sampled, hours in the lab and in front of the laptop...but it was worth the trouble! In the “Resources” section you can find a photo gallery of the fieldwork performed in the starling colony the years 2009 to 2014, during the course of which the data for the PhD of Jaime were collected.




  • Cover and back cover of Jaime´s Thesis
  • Jaime during his PhD defense
  • Celebration after the PhD defense
  • Jaime, Diego and Loren, posing with the model species...
  • …although this is what they had in their minds.